Tietoa jäsenyydestä

Tältä sivulta löydät tärkeitä jäsenyyteen ja sen päättämiseen liittyvää tietoa.

Lisätietoja jäsenyyden eri aiheista saat klikkaamalla kutakin kuvaketta.

Meaningful ownership

At Tradeka, meaningful ownership materialises in several ways. The Cooperative owns and develops, invests and secures, enables new things and produces good results. Tradeka distributes a significant share of its profits for the common good. We also remain patient and wait for our assets to grow. Tradeka membership is a great way to make a positive impact on the Finnish economy and society.

Ownership is good for members

Tradeka membership also offers great membership benefits: members receive substantial financial benefits either via Tradeka-owned companies or our partners. Benefits are focused on spare time activities and relaxation. Discover our various membership benefits.

Read about member benefits

Ownership is good for society

Tradeka supports the Finnish society not only with its business operations but also in terms of donations. The Cooperative allocates a significant share – minimum of 10 percent – of its operating results for the common good and the Finnish society by supporting non-profit organisations, very much in line with its members’ values.

Read more about our resbonsibility

Becoming a Member

Any private individual over the age of 15 can join up as a member.

Join up quick and easy with Oma Tradeka, Tradeka’s electronic member service. You only pay the 33.64 euro cooperative payment. This payment is fully refunded if you choose to resign your membership. When signing up, you need Finnish online banking credentials for identification.

If you have questions about joining up, resigning your membership, or your cooperative payment, we are happy to take your call.

Participate in decision making

The Tradeka Cooperative’s representative body represents its highest executive body. Consisting of 75 members, the representative body assembles for a statutory meeting each year. Members elect the representative body for six years at a time.